Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Would you pluck me if i was a flower?

Would you pluck me if i was a flower?

Gardening is a hard it takes most care and patience. Sitting around a beautiful flowers with unbearable kindness glow of flowers can make ones day special. Flowers are like pets you have to be soft and carefull to make them bloom. Pets gives us stress relief and makes us relaxed after long day. That way these flowers have powers to heal pain and sorrow. Beautiful light colored and smell of innocent flowers grow to pleasure us.

Sitting and gazing upon these magnificent works of nature makes me feel like i'm one of them. I think to myself that if I were to be a flower would people pluck me. It's really hard to say that flowers love to plucked or not but humans do that anyway. I personally prefer that people should feel by touch and smell the flowers without plucking. Flowers are the breeding part of plants and trees. So it's better for us to to disturb the natural flow of nature. Pollination is must for every flower, we should be thankful to these flowers for letting the world run by natural force.

Be a flower to be loved by everyone, even the haters starts loving if it goes well. Sit around flowers and make little talks with them. We used to make make little chats when we were kids. Kids have huge imagination power. They can see things which adults can't understand. Especially the nature's beauty. I want each one of you to try and take up gardening. Take some time to feel nature, plant trees. Nature is to be preserved by us for the next generation. Be humble and spread love to the world.

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